03.25.08@Front Cover Photo of Jetset Magazine Competition

Photo was taken at FUK Airport
Standing near by one engine of A330 aircraft
that has given me a very strong feeling of excitement & impression
so I asked myself why would this thing impress me a lot..
I say "engine is the main part of aircraft,
without it, people can't fly,
can't know people from other countries,
can't learn their cultures, etc..."
Here I am wearing in CX uniform with my big smile & knowledge
that represents the spirit of CX Cabin crew is here for safety
& also provides our best service to our passenger.
Our goal is alwaysto hear passenger saying "Thank You" to all of us at the end of the flight.
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** Never say "No" until u've tried your best. Everyone can do things well unless for those people who not doing with their hearts. Keep it up & start from "Today"! **

by miss meigi