休閒第九天 . 雨天 - "帶子蛋撻" . 你食過未??

Last night i dreamed of Lai . Rannie . Kenix
we saw some complimentary foods passing out by some guys from the restaurant while all of us standing in line waiting for somethn'
everybody left me alone from line to get their foods
but the"strong smell" from those foods were made me "very" hungry so badly
& then i saw one guy putting down a big plate of "SCALLOP EGG TART"
of course at this time i left my line & rushed to get some for myself to fill my stomach
after i had some tarts i was looking for some paper plates that i thought i could get some for my pals to try
but unfortuantly there has none on table haha.. sorry guys ^o^

沒有工返的日子 . 第七天 .晴

終於都完成了我所有應該要做嘅事 . 好開心
攞番我同事drop底比我嘅Mascara . 又好開心
老豆話 : "荔枝要雪凍先好食!!"所以雪左兩日
終於今晚食完飯後試左幾粒都幾好味 . 攪到我又好開心哈哈 ...


休閒第六天 - 食得是福 . 晴

最近心情大靚 . 自上次出街飲野勁食薯片


死未 ^^ ...

A Little Word To SAY ... xoxo ^^beelove^^

Remember what i told u tonight
Try to do the best for ur'self also ur' family
"TRUST UR'SeLF" then Go for it ""
make it more simple to see how beautiful the world is
Don't be shy "BeE happy" nothn' to be worried
keep going xoxo" prove it to me that u can do it ^^beelove^^

休閒第四天 - "熱情的芒果" . 晴

病左咁耐 . 呵足成個禮拜
味道好香.. 不過冇想像中咁甜 ^o^

休閒第二天 - 開心家庭日 . 晴

四點幾就醒左起身 . 然後食個早餐
跟住一早就去米西媽咪屋企度攞左六隻稯 ...
未完喎 ~~ 之後再同老豆去左街市買菜同新鮮豆漿
雖然攪左成日但非常充實 ^o^

*上面兩隻係"簡水稯" . 下面三隻係"鹽肉稯"!!

休閒第一天 - 無聊日 . 晴



Hey!! Don't give me a FinGer
U should better Behave ur'self >__<


MISS COCO . I'm Just Kidding hehe..

爹爹 . 父親節快樂 !!!

爹爹 \(*o*)/ 父親節快樂 . 哈哈 ^^
其實今日都係端午節 . 一齊慶祝埋 . 幾鬼好 hehe... !!

06.13.07@Now&Then >____< NO DISTURB

NOW ^^
Save MeEeEeE~)))
finally i can't wait to see doctor

i hate taking medicine !!
i hate diarrhoea !!!!!!!!!!!
i hate painful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06.12.07@SiCk AfTeR WoRk

just back from Delhi this afternoon
suddenly have BIG pain in my abdomen so badly
its been 7 times for diarrhoea since 6 pm
WHAT make this happening to ME :'( :'( :'(
seems like i still have some more to come GOSH..~
did i eat any bad food??
is that bcoz i ate cupnoodles too early in the morning on that day i departure..??
plz plz" stop agitating my tummy that definately make me couldn't go to sleep
>_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_<

06.09.07@Not MNL it's Delhi

oh no... i just checked my roster
they changed my flight to 4 days Delhi
oh i can't fly with my colleague shit ~~
one good thing is that no more standby after i've done this Delhi
hopefully they won't change my duty !!

06.09.07@Flying to Manila

Just received a msg from my colleague
she saw my name on her flight list
"VV yeah VV" we'll be flying together to Manila tonight
& coming back tmr at 10 am then have 1 dayoff on Monday
Cool ~!! i like this flight . MNL Split .
I have to say "Thx" to the girl who reported sick of this flight
& i'm going to have my dinner now so see ya guys tomorrow

*BY THE WAY, Happy B-Day to Ken & Leyan
Bunch of my friends they are celebrating their BIG DAYs tonight
i really hope i could join but i wouldn't . so JEALOUS >_<
so let's hook up on some day after i done my standby
well check it up later ~~ we'll see ^o^

06.09.07@Ready to WORK

WAHAHA... HAA .. AaAaAa.. ^o^
Look at my hair i think it's my 1st time to show u guys my hair style
that i use to make when i go to work
i know it looks little FRIZZYYY coz' it hasn't get sprayed yet anways...
ppl alway say that it's hard to make the french hairstyle
haha.. actually it's not tooo complicated yeah VV...
but juz need to do few practices before get used to make of it
well i'm sure u can make this one day too...
alrite it's 4:30pm TIME to put my make-up on *o* ttyl xoxo i miss u

06.09.2007@The 3rd Day of STANDBYYY

WHAT R WE WAITING FORrRrRrRrR - ) -- ) --- )
where am i flyn' to??? really have no idea..
i knew i have to leave tonight..but no clue to WHERERERE?!!
had done packing my stuffs "2 days before"
but not yet make-up & do my hair, will do it a bit later on
it's hard to kill time during standby period :'( make me frustrated that cannot be patient with doing anythn' except sitt'n in here & keep blogging all day long that's bcoz i'm juz waiting for one call.

why u look so sleepy Kaka R u upset abt me that i'm flyn' tonight
come'on get up to play with me i'll gonna miss u 2
i should be the one to be worried nottt U... >_< ..
plzzz get up don't lay down & lets have some fun

06.08.07@Standby 2000L - 0059L

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wait . Wait . Wait
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _


** The End For TODAY **

06.07.07@Standby 1100L - 1900L

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wait . Wait . Wait
_ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ -


** The END for TODAY **
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** Never say "No" until u've tried your best. Everyone can do things well unless for those people who not doing with their hearts. Keep it up & start from "Today"! **

by miss meigi