06.12.07@SiCk AfTeR WoRk

just back from Delhi this afternoon
suddenly have BIG pain in my abdomen so badly
its been 7 times for diarrhoea since 6 pm
WHAT make this happening to ME :'( :'( :'(
seems like i still have some more to come GOSH..~
did i eat any bad food??
is that bcoz i ate cupnoodles too early in the morning on that day i departure..??
plz plz" stop agitating my tummy that definately make me couldn't go to sleep
>_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_< >_<
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** Never say "No" until u've tried your best. Everyone can do things well unless for those people who not doing with their hearts. Keep it up & start from "Today"! **

by miss meigi