12.24.07@**Santa Claus is in Town**


We set up a very special party for X'mas Day this year
we've rented an apartment with outdoor like
an unsheltered balcony on top of the house in Mui Wo
check this out our fun photos by clicking at down here...

*Photo 1: In preparation for X'mas Party!!
*Photo 2: It's BBQ time.. Everybody let's EAT!!
*Photo 3: Countdown at 3.2.1 "Merry X'mas"!!
*Photo 4: Lucky Draw & Open the Gifts!!
*Photo 5: "vV Back to Play Vv"!!
*Photo 6: Time to Leave..Bye~!!
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** Never say "No" until u've tried your best. Everyone can do things well unless for those people who not doing with their hearts. Keep it up & start from "Today"! **

by miss meigi