01.14.11@Opus Grill *Day 39

We went to have lunch at Opus Grill in LKF
at 12 : 45 pm


Salt n Pepper Shaker (北京故宮出品)

Very Nice Bread - Lavendar Seed Bread

Lobster Risotto ^ ^ super nice~

Chocolate Mouse


at 15 : 00 pm


16 : 00 pm in the afternoon

i met my friend Sunny in Central after my lunch.
We went together to the library
n also borrowed these books.

Mango Soda

HK Local Food ^ ^ yummy~
(my dinner)

*It's time to go to school now~ at 18:30 pm

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** Never say "No" until u've tried your best. Everyone can do things well unless for those people who not doing with their hearts. Keep it up & start from "Today"! **

by miss meigi