01.24.11@At Hugo's *Day 49

Love Hugo's at Hyatt Hotel

Nice Environment

Candle Light dinner

Bread Basket
The chef likes to cook in front of customer

Caesar Salad

Shrimp Cocktail

Caution!! It's Hot!!

Our Side Dishes
Risotto . Mashed Potato . Creamy Spinach . Sautee Mushroom

Rib Eye

Port Wine

Orange Pancake with Vanilla Ice-Cream

Complimentary Dessert "Chocolate Bourbon"
Vanilla Ice-Cream wrapped in crispy chocolate

3 Responses
  1. Maggie Says:

    is it really really expensive? it looks great...i wanna go try!

  2. a little bit pricy... i guess it's around $1,300 each person.. it's nice environment. And i heard that Hugo's offers $6XX per person for lunch or brunch buffet to customer... 口"bay"仲好似幾好喎...and of course making reservation is necessary haha...try try la..maggie!!

  3. sorry.. wrong information... not lunch buffet.. it's just a "SPECIAL LUNCH MENU" it likes 3 main courses + dessert n coffee tea... something like that.. !!

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